**This is an old revision of the document!**
Table of Contents
Date selection
Time line
Prelim date (for purps of discussion & changes): by Saturday, 2200
Final date: by Monday, 1000
Symbol meanings
✔: I'd like to play main day this week and these is are my votes for main day
✨: I'd like to play main day + extras this week. These are my votes for main day and candidates for extras
✘: Can't make it this day
?: I can make it this day but I prefer another, or I might be able to make it, might not, unknown yet
Default day preferences
This math calculation all happens inside my head and can be overridden by discussion on Sundays. Also I sometimes make mistakes counting it up because I am bad at math.
Each cell gets a score
✔ or ✨: 1 point
+0.01 points for each ✔ or ✨ on the same horizontal line
+0.001 point for each cell (regardless of symbol) directly vertically below it
✘: 0 points (or minus a thousand points if DM)
?: 0.1 points
Then the column with highest sum of cell scores is obv best column. Even with all the decimal points there are still often ties (usually because votes aren't in) so DM capricious whim selects. In that case I often go for a Sat or Sun, idk why.