Do you go to the dungeon?

Lvl 1

Ego Lure(sea): The sorcerer draws the ego sigil on a mirrored surface and then reaches in to the mirror world, pulling out a clone of themselves. The clone shares a pool of life force with the sorcerer, such as hit points and similar resources, including spells, but comes garbed in feast day finery. The clone is a summoned crea- ture, with all the limits that entails, but lacks any cosmic obligation to advance the interests of the sorcerer; determine reaction as with any encounter.

Estravagate(sea): To cast this spell, the sorcerer must prepare a talisman of wicker. As long as the sorcerer contemplates the talis- man and avoids ostentatious displays of disturbance, the sorcerer may walk without notice. When the sorcerer’s attention falls upon anything other than the talisman, then the spell fails and d6: 1. all felines within a day’s travel yawl uncontrollably and go mad 2. the sorcerer’s scent becomes pleasant to ghosts 3. anyone that was nearby the sor- cerer during the spell’s duration will dream the sorcerer’s memo- ries regularly and perpetually 4. the talisman turns to lead 5. the sorcerer smells faintly of frankincense forever after 6. the talisman flares into brilliant coruscating light which persists until the next new moon

Mood of Gravity(sand): By smearing the face with mud, dust, or jagged rock shards, the sorcerer’s soul fuses with a greater earth spirit, binding the emotions of the sorcerer to the movement of faults deep be- low. For the duration of the spell, an- noyance and minor pains result in tremors while wrath and great pain yield proportional restlessness of the earth. When the spell ends, the sorcerer becomes numb to the experience of any emotional intensity until the spell can be prepared again.

Laughter of the Vine(blood): The sorcerer causes themselves or an- other nearby to become innebriated, without resorting to any substance. For others, a saving throw applies. When the spell ends, the person so inebri- ated will hiccup forth a torrent of d6: 1 bubbles 2 butterflies, 3 moths, 4 hum- mingbirds, 5 glittering dust motes, or 6 poetry in iambic pentameter praising the sorcerer’s virtues.

Arboreal Balm(sand): The sorcerer may remove bodily pain from the willing by touching the body in suffering, whispering the words of the spell, and calling upon aid from slumbering forest spirits. When the spell ends, the flesh affected perma- nently becomes d6: 1. Blighted ropy coiled vines 2. Transparent like a jellyfish 3. Pliant smooth living wood 4. Mossy expanse 5. Spiny green cactus 6. Unyielding bark The flesh affected is too small to directly affect armor class or similar statistics, but may provide situational benefits or drawbacks.