Do you go to the dungeon?

Alternate Injury Table

Homebrew. You can roll on this if you wanna, instead of the normal d20 lingering injury.

The advantage is that you have a chance of staying awake (with 1 hp) and not passing out. The drawback is that your stuff can break, and that staying awake can lead you to quickly go down again which is a new injury roll.

  • 1–3, 21–23, 41–43, 61–63: Lose what's most appropriate from arm, hand, foot, leg or eye. (If unknown: 1: eye, 2: arm, 3: leg.)
  • 4–6, 24–26, 44–46, 64–66: Horrible scar
  • 7–10, 27–30, 47–50, 67–70: Minor scar
  • 11–14, 31–34, 51–54, 71–74: Broken bone or swollen eye. Function is temporarily lost as above, but any magical healing restores it. A swollen eye heals up by itself in 24h. (If unknown: 1: limp, 2–4: broken ribs.)
  • 15–17, 35–37, 55–57, 75–77: Internal injury
  • 18–20, 38–40, 58–60, 78–80: Festering wound
  • 81–83: Stay awake with 1 HP, mark one death save failure, and lose what's most appropriate from arm, hand, foot, leg or eye. (If unknown: 81: eye, 82: arm, 83: leg.)
  • 84–89: Stay awake with 1 HP, mark one death save failure, and broken bone or swollen eye. Function is temporarily lost as above, but any magical healing restores it. A swollen eye heals up by itself in 24h. (If unknown: 84: limp, 85–89: broken ribs.)
  • 90–92: Stay awake with 1 HP, and internal injury
  • 93–100: Stay awake with 1 HP, and one item will break. Ropes can snap, bottles in bags can break, but most commonly what's in your right hand will break on odd or what's in your left hand will break on even.