**This is an old revision of the document!**
Table of Contents
Community & Family
- Siblings
- Parent & Child
- Bloodsworn Oath of Best Friendship Forever
- al-Badia desertfolk of the House of Thawr
- Two goblins in a big world
- New in town & Safaq born and raised
Devout Worshippers of…
- Hakiya of the Sea Breeze
- Haku, Master of the Desert Wind
- Najm the Adventurous
- Selan the Beautiful Moon
- Zann the Learned
- The League’s Pantheon (Hajama, Jauhar, Kor, Najm, Selan)
- Holy Slayer of the Everlasting & Victim’s Family Member
- Smugglers
- Pickpocket & Mark
- Nothing personal. Just business. I hope you understand.
- Running the long con together
- Pirates
- A. wants B. to take responsibility for the last failed mission but
- A. trusts B. to always have their back but
- A. wants to be recognized as leader by B, but
- A. looks up to B. but
- A. is a golden opportunity for B. but
- A. wants B. to remain loyal to Sultan Kara al-Zalim, but
- Fishers
- Askar soldiers
- Barber & Favorite Customer
- Dwarven Miners
- Mage & Apprentice
- Captain & Bosun
- Current spouses
- Lovers
- Former lovers
- Betrothed
- A. wants B. to confess their love, which hasn’t happened yet because
- Rivals
To find the truth…
- …about Zulmat, the Darkness in Jumlat
- …about the fruit of Sunless Island
- …about the Veins of the Earth
- …about Holy Slayers of the Everlasting
- …about the Grendleroot
- …about the haunted house up the coast
To get onboard a ship…
- …by capturing the Sea Ghost
- …by saving up enough money for one, fair and square
- …by buying one with the money from that Big Crime Score
- …by working for their passage
- …by building one
- …by repairing an abandoned ship
To get rich…
- …by grabbing the treasure from the haunted house up the coast
- …by finding treasure on Dyson Island
- …by winning the Great Task of the Pearl for Gana
- …by getting the 50000 dinar reward for destroying the threat to the pearl beds
- …by running a merchant business
- …by shady dealings
To get revenge…
- …on the pirate captain Guldeer
- …on the smugglers on the Sea Ghost
- …on the bandit crew on Sunless Island
- … A wants to be forgiven by B., but the issue is
- …on the House of Thawr
- …on the Sultan of Jumlat
To be a hero…
- …by cleansing the unholy spirits in the haunted house up the coast
- …by rescuing the Huzrela adventurer siblings from Sunless Island
- …to get respect (A. wants respect from B., which hasn’t happened yet because
) - …by exploring the ruins of the Grendleroot under Blackclaw Island
- …by slaying the bull-man of al-Thracia
- …who nobody will fuck with
To rule
- …by marrying a sultan’s heir
- …by founding a new city
- …the waves
- …an army of undead
- …the village of Safaq
- …Zakhara, the Land of Fate
Objects & Locations
- Blackclaw Island
- Sunless Island
- Dyson Island
- al-Thracia Island
- Durrar Island
- Abbey Isle
In&Near Safaq village
- The haunted house up the coast
- The Empty Net tavern
- Quartermaster’s Shop
- The Weekly Market
- Solmor House
- The Dwarven Mine
Further away
- The Drowned Forest
- Jumlat, City of Multitudes
- Gana, City of Riches
- The Crowded Sea
- Hawa, City of Chaos
- Chult
- Ring of the Holy Slayer & A carved marble elephant
- 1000 dirham & 70 dinars
- Mystery Key & Candle of the Deep
- Horn of Silent Alarm & Bead of Nourishment
- Silver Caltrops & a set of twelve candles
- A carved marble elephant & A petrified frog
Chasing Paper
- Spell Scroll: Healing Word
- Spell Scroll: Prestidigitation
- Spell Scroll: Light
- Spell Scroll: Hallucinatory Terrain
- Scroll with proof of the Sultan Yusef’s Heirs
- Weird map from the bazaar
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Heroism
- Potion of Climbing
- Potion of Water Breathing
- Potion of Invisibility
- Potion of Longevity