Do you go to the dungeon?

**This is an old revision of the document!**

Elements of Magic

  • Absorb Elements: sand or blood
  • Aid: sand or sea
  • Animate Dead: death
  • Animate Objects: sand, blood, or psionic
  • Arms of Hadar: sand
  • Augury: sea or wind
  • Bane: blood
  • Banishment: wind
  • Bestow Curse: blood
  • Blade Ward: sand
  • Bless: any
  • Blessing of Gravity: sand
  • Blight: blood
  • Blindness/Deafness: sea
  • Blink: sea, flame or psionic
  • Bloodhail: blood
  • Blur: fire or wind
  • Booming Blade: wind
  • Burning Hand: flame
  • Calm Emotions: sea
  • Ceremony: any
  • Chaos Bolt: flame
  • Charm Monster: sea
  • Charm Person: sea
  • Chill Touch: death
  • Close Your Eyes And Relax: sea
  • Cocoon: blood
  • Command: wind
  • Cone of Cold: sea
  • Control Flame: flame
  • Control Water: sea
  • Counterspell: wind
  • Create or Destroy Water: sea
  • Crown of Madness: sea or blood
  • Cure Wounds: sand
  • Dancing Light: flame
  • Darkness: death or sea
  • Daylight: flame
  • Death Ward: sand or death
  • Detect Thoughts: wind or sea
  • Dimension Door: fay or flame
  • Disguise Self: sea or blood
  • Disintegrate: blood
  • Dispel Magic: wind or sand
  • Divination: wind, sea or blood
  • Dominate Person: sea or blood
  • Ecstacy of the Moth: blood
  • Eldritch Blast: blood
  • Embrace the Sun: flame or wind
  • Enemies Abound: sea or blood
  • Excavate: sea
  • Expeditious Retreat: flame
  • Exsanguinate: blood
  • False Life: sand or blood
  • Fear: sea
  • Feather Fall: wind
  • Find Familiar: any
  • Fireball: flame
  • Firebolt: flame or blood
  • Flight: flame or wind
  • Fog Cloud: sea or blood
  • Friends: sea or blood
  • Frostbite: sea
  • Gaseous Form: wind or sea
  • Geas: sea, blood, psionic or fay
  • Gentle Repose: sand, blood or death
  • Glyph of Warding: wind
  • Grease: sea, blood or fay
  • Greater Invisibility: wind
  • Greater Invisibilty: wind
  • Greater Restoration: sand
  • Green-Flame Blade: flame
  • Grubhand: blood
  • Guidance: wind
  • Guiding Bolt: fire or wind
  • Gust of Wind: wind
  • Harm: flame
  • Haste: flame or wind or blood
  • Heal: sand
  • Healing Word: wind, sand or blood
  • Hex: blood
  • Hold Monster: any
  • Hold Person: any
  • Hypnotic Pattern: wind
  • Ice Storm: wind or sea
  • Illusory Script: wind
  • Incite Greed: sea or blood
  • Inflict Wounds: blood
  • Inscribing Watcher: wind or blood
  • Intellect Fortress: psionic or wind
  • Investitures of Ice: sea
  • Invisibility: wind
  • Knock: sand, fire or wind
  • Leomund's Tiny Hut: sand
  • Lesser Restoration: blood, sea or sand
  • Levitate: flame or wind
  • Light: flame
  • Lightning Bolt: wind
  • Locate Object: wind
  • Longstrider: flame
  • Mage Armor: any
  • Mage Hand: any
  • Magic Missile: any
  • Magic Stone: sand
  • Make a big Eye: blood
  • Mass Healing Word: wind, sand or blood
  • Melf's Acid Arrow: sand
  • Mending: sand
  • Message: wind
  • Mind Sliver: Psionic
  • Minor Illusion: wind or sea
  • Mirror Image: wind or sea
  • Misty Step: wind, fay or flame
  • Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum: sand
  • Mothwing Ritual: blood
  • Motivational Speech: wind
  • Nondetection: sand or sea
  • Nystul's Magic Aura: sea and wind
  • Phantasmal Force: wind or blood
  • Phantasmal Killer: wind or blood
  • Phantom Steed: any
  • Phantom Steed: wind or fae
  • Polymorph: blood, sand
  • Prayer of Healing: wind, sand or blood
  • Prestidigitation: flame
  • Primrose Façade: sea
  • Protection from Evil and Good: any
  • Protection from Poison: sand or death
  • Purify Food and Drink: sand
  • Raise Dead: death
  • Ray of Frost: sea
  • Remove Curse: any
  • Resistance: sand
  • Revivify: sand or blood
  • Sacred Flame: flame
  • Scorching Ray: flame
  • See Invisibility: wind
  • Sending: wind
  • Shadow Blade: flame, wind, or earth
  • Shape Water: sea
  • Shield of Faith: any
  • Shield: any
  • Shocking Grasp: wind
  • Silence: wind
  • Silent Image: sea
  • Sleep: wind, blood or sea
  • Sleet Storm: wind
  • Slow: sand
  • Spare the Dying: sand or blood
  • Spider Climb: flame, blood
  • Spirit Guardians: any
  • Spirit Shroud: sea, blood, flame or death
  • Spiritual Weapon: sea
  • Steel Wind Strike: wind
  • Stinking Cloud: wind or sea
  • Suggestion: wind or psionic
  • Summon Celestial: any
  • Sword Burst: any
  • Tasha's Mind Whip: psionic
  • Tasha's Caustic Brew: sand, sea
  • Tenser's Floating Disc: wind, sand or blood
  • Thaumaturgy: wind
  • Toll of the Dead: earth, sea, wind or blood
  • Tongues: wind
  • Unseen Servant: wind
  • Vampiric Touch: blood
  • Wall of Fire: flame
  • Wall of Force: psionic
  • Warding Bond: blood, sand or death
  • Water Walk: sea, wind or flame
  • Web: blood
  • Witch Bolt: wind
  • Word of Radiance: wind or flame
  • Zone of Truth: wind or sea