Do you go to the dungeon?

**This is an old revision of the document!**

Starting info

Game Premise

The city of Hawa on an island off the northwestern shore of Zakhara is ruled by a corsair council. (A "corsair" is a type of pirate.) You might play a character already on the council, or someone who dreams of being on the council, or someone who works against the council. We'll work out the details in the first session.

Character rules

New players

You'll use this character sheet: Search the Hills. Two pages. Don't worry if it looks complicated, we'll explain everything in there and help you. I'll print out a couple of copies so you don't have to bring anything.

Experienced players

  • Hillfolk character sheet; we'll fill in that together during the first session
  • D&D character sheet (also has pregens — don't use "Dragonborn" or "Draconic sorcerer")
  • We're starting at level 5.
  • D&D basic rules — and I'll also give you a copy of Dungeonesque which is a 3rd party printing of the basic rules.
  • Instead of AC, put in "Defense", which is AC - 12. E.g. if you have AC 15, put in +3.
  • Backgrounds are optional; the Hillfolk stuff replaces a lot of that (but if you want both, go for it).
  • Casters might find a slot grid a useful tool, I'll try to remember to print one out.

Beyond This Point There Are Only Nerds

  • See above re Defense, starting level, backgrounds, and Hillfolk sheet.
  • Full PHB is fine, including feats and multiclassing.
  • But, no Dragonborn or Draconic bloodline
  • UA Waternborne Adventures is OK
  • Elemental Evil Player's Companion is OK
  • Forget what I said earlier about starting from a kit from 2e book, that's overkill
  • Likewise, ditch that old EN-world-thread, they never got done.
  • But… some sort of Djinn patron + Gen companion combo would be nice if we could find. Any help? Such djinnlocks are known as Sha'irs in the al-Qadim setting.
  • All six of the "monstrous" beings from page 119-120 on Volo's guide are available (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Orc, Yuan-Ti) are available as is Kenku and Lizardfolk from earlier in that book. But, the rest of the book has spoilers. :/ I'll try to type or scan the traits from those pages out later, or we can look in the book together.