**This is an old revision of the document!**
Table of Contents
1494, Taraq 8
- Nuis wants to sell 4 cords of logs of common wood for 220 dinars. Total weight: 3200 lb. (213 stone.)
- Samtia wants to buy 450 bricks of salt for 330 dinars. Total weight: 2400 lb. (160 stone.)
1494, Taraq 11
- 24/30 light components remaining
1494, Taraq 13
- 0/30 light components remaining
1494, Taraq 27
- 0/1 find familiar components remaining
- 28/30 ropes remaining
- 20/30 rations remaining
- 20/30 lamp oil
- 0/1 hooded lanterns remaining
- 0/¼ navigator's tools remaining
1494, Taraq 29
- 0/1 Maces remaining
- 0/1 Light hammers remaining
1495, Masta 1
Item availabilities reset.
- 30/30 light components
- 30/30 ropes
- 30/30 rations
- 30/30 lamp oil
- 0/1 find familiar components
- 1/1 hooded lanterns
- 1/1 maces
- 1/1 light hammers
- 25% chance of navigator's tools
- 10% chance of raise diamond
- 0/25% chance of 100 gp worth of magic ink
- 0/25% chance of a 25 gp gem for making magic ink
- 0/1 masons tools
- 0/1 arcane focus
- 0/1 barrel
Lamsas/Umajis mamma har fått betalt till 11 magarib