Do you go to the dungeon?


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al-qadim:diary [2020-02-12 20:23] – [Tariq 9] sandraal-qadim:diary [2021-09-04 11:38] – [B-team] sandra
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-====== Diary ======+Diary
-Just creating the document so we can fill it in tonight♥+I need to face facts that I'm not gonna catch up writing tales any time soon. Maybe I will someday, maybe never, but for now we need to sort things out sonwe can know what the current date is in Zakhara. For the missing sessions, I'll write up a more rough summary that involves some guessing. Then be a little more careful going forward.
-Zakhara month names:+## Interim Diary
-  * Taraq +There are two timelines. A-team and B-team. If we bring in other teams they will get their own timelines. When two teams cross paths the team that's furthest back in the past will have mandatory downtime (with random "what happened" events) to catch up.
-  * Masta +
-  * Magarib +
-  * Gammam +
-  * Mihla +
-  * Qawafil +
-  * Holy day of Ahad +
-  * Holy day of Atnen +
-  * Holy day of Salas +
-  * Holy day of Arba +
-  * Holy day of Yasad +
-  * Safa +
-  * Dar +
-  * Riyah +
-  * Nau +
-  * Rahat +
-  * Saris+
-Months have 30 days, and the five holy days don't have any months, they just come after 30th of Qawafil and before 1st of Safa.+### A-team
-==== #boatmode Session Zero ====+The A-team is currently just outside the tent camp of the house of 
 +Dhi'b, proooobably better known as "The Sons of the Wolf".
-The party is+Their mission: to bring back Mamun bin Harun bin Hamid.
-  * Jalara abd-Jamila bugbear corsair +And, with the help of the life-changing magic of efreetsthey managed to find himor ratherhe (and Jalara al-Jamil, pirate queen of Durrar), managed to find themshipwrecked on Anklis island.
-  * Djuta goblin corsair +
-  * Keezea goblin sa’luk +
-  * Na’im al-Qadiban air genasi flamewind sorcerer+
-Everyone has a shared goal: to get onboard a ship by capturing the Sea Ghost. Unfortunately they don’t really know much about that ship.+The current party is Fari, Abu, Aman, and Hidi from the House of Dhi'b, and Jalara.
-The two corsairs also want revenge on the pirates on Sunless Island.+On their way back they discovered Azim Island, home of the cult of the Blood Eye, one of the several blood cults that have been sighted since the new elemental plane of blood was found. They carefully left the island.
-Keeze and Na’im have a shared past… that they don’t know about. They’ve both suffered memory loss. They used to be level 12 characters with some kind of relationship – the nature of that relationship is still a mystery – but one of them used a Wish “I wish we had never met” which reset their lifes and wiped their memoriesBack to level 1. Back to the old fishing village.+They traveled through Ajayib, the City of Wonders, in disguise. An adventurer, Ulysses, who they had met on Anklis Island and accompanied them on Azim Island, parted ways with the party there_(I don't remember what deal you made with him re how to find him again.)_
-=== Keezes dagbok ===+Almost at their own home, they ran into an exiled tribe member, Meket, who tried to start a rebellion against the clan leader, Sheikh Anwat "The Skeleton" al-Makkar.
-jag vet att jag har minnesluckor men det är ändå inte så konstigt +They left Mamun to spy on him but when they returnedhe was dead, and the party killed Meket in retaliation. Yes, Mamun, their old mentor, and Aman's teacher, was dead.
-efter alla fester jag varit på och allt man röktdruckit och testat på där+
-ta det lugnt?! haha nej det kommer inte hända. måste ju hänga med +So it's with heads hung low in shameand an exhaustion level eachthe A-team returns to Dhi'b.
-i svängarnaskvallradansa och allt det där... jag är en livsnjutare in i märgen+
-men... det känns som att jag har varit vassare med kniven och snabbare på fötterna +There's been six sessions of A-team since The Day of the MothFour before Jalara returned and two afterIt's been 34 days diegetically since The Day of the MothCurrent date: 16th of Mihla1494(I need to do two domain turns.)
-eller att jag borde vara deten mycket märklig känsla... det känns som deja vu varje gång +
-jag lär mig något nytt!+
-fast jag kommer mycket väl ihåg mitt kall och uppgift här i livet... ja även vi tjuvar har vår heder +kai tagit skada 32 hp loss
-och mästare som ger oss uppgifter ibland+
-jag kommer också ihåg mina drömmar om att en dag grunda en stad för alla tjuvar, tiggare, +dom är uppe & det har gått en dag (dom slog läger en natt på saliam vildmark) och sen gick dom fyra timmar till kristallerna. så det är 16 mihla
-gatubarn, rövare och andra på samhällets botten+
-som en ny Hawa ungefär... jag har varit där en gång, det minns jag, ett fantastiskt ställe!+Dom har sovit  natt på Anklis: 19 mihla
-och givetvis kommer det finnas plats för ett rejält bibliotek för vad vore en fest utan er magikers +Dom har kommit tillbaka till Saliam: 22 mihla.
-fyverkerier och konster?+
-men först måste vi hitta ett lämpligt ställe att grunda en stad på och för att göra det så behöver vi en bra båt+On 24 mihla they killed the Sirens of Blood and Sea.
-==== Taraq 1 ====+Det är andra 2 Qawafil och dom rullade en trea på boat checket. Så vi ska rulla monster check. Dom har åkt 119 miles från Gana mot Bandar al-Sa'adat.
-=== The tale of the dock worker and the lazy hobos too good for a day's honest work ===+Dom var i al-Sa'adat en natt till 3 Qawafil och sen tog dom en 4 dagar lång tripp till Sams Bandar.
-One day at the docks while unleading heavy crates for Andar bin Solmor's trading company, a dockworker overheard three bums that seemed out of their luck"I'll offer them a job", he thought, and said that they could work with him for seven dinars a week. More than enough to cover a modest lifestyle, with food and stay at one of the local inns. "That's not enough for us!" they answered. "Fools", he thought, "who does not know the value of steady money." But he told them "If that's not enough, you might inquire with Mahnaz al-Qudra, she might need sa'luks such as yourself to guard her mine." "Sa'luks! We be not sa'luks!" they snarled. "We want to work as scribes, sorting papers!" "Well," the dockworker replied, "that's probably still going to be about the same pay as here" "Not enough!" they said. "Give us better work!" "What fools have Fate wrought", he thought.+Dom var i Sams Bandar en natt sen tog dom en sju dagar lång tripp till MoraDet är 11 Qawafil.
-=== The tale of three thieves and the innkeeper they robbed ===+Det är seeeent på kvällen 13 Qawafil (ska bli 14 Qawafil imorgon) och 
 +dom har inte rullat encounter för natten. Dom ska få varorna 
 +inspekterade av Karatea. Deras hästar heter Lyre och Sanka. 
 +Priset kommer vara 16d6. DM, se IoD sidan 124.
-Hanna bint Rist at "Fiskelinan" tavern had rough night. It was tough sleeping even though she tried to cover her head with a pillow because she was hearing weird noises from her next door neigbor, Gufsha.+17 qawafil för a-team dom har rullat en multiroll som clearat både natt och följande dag
-Early in the morning, a corsair and two sa'luks came to visit her little establishment. At first, they seemed helpful. They even helped her find her family heirloom necklace. Nothing valuable, just sentimental, but it meant a lot to herThey asked if she had any suspicions and of course her thoughts led straight to that weirdo, Gufsha.+21 qawafil a-team morning. dom har vandrat 8h.
-All well and goodBut. While she had left them to guard the tavern, they must have stolen the bottle of mom's lobster wine. Later they came back with Mahnaz, the owner of the silver mine down the coast, and tossed coin around and took her pillowcase and her bedsheet.+är 23 qawafildom har besegrat neanderthalsinga innestående xp
-=== The tale of the city of bullies and the academic they harassed ===+24 qawafil. dom har besegrat mammut och elks. <del>1025 innestående</del>. dom har använt 
 +fyra movement points. det är dag. klockan är tolv typ. moira är badass
-Gufsha was a scholarShe kept to herself mostlyWhy did everyone always suspect her? Why did people always came knocking on her door, haunting her?+25 qawafildom är uppe på ridgen / kratern. dom har använt tre movement points.
-==== Taraq 2 to Taraq 9 ====+26 qawafil.
-=== The Tale of the Last Askari ===+- bruro tvåhörningen har skippat en tämjedag så måste börja om sen 
 +- hidi väntar på mo'iras dag så hon kan förätta vixeln med hans fem nya makor (två tjejer tre killar) 
 +- dom hittade fem till makor i hövdingens rum. dom har inte tagit några av itemsen i det
-Eleven of us askari were sent to the silver mine. The dead walked +är 28 qawafil
-there. Familiar faces to these askari. Faces that they hadn't seen in +
-a long time.+
-And the dead were armed.\\  +### B-team
-And the dead fought well.\\  +
-And our lives were harmed.\\  +
-And our brothers fell.+
-Two of our number fledThey just broke ranks and ranafter seeing +There's been some near-TPKsCurrent party: AlabarHaquutClever Copper and Thirsty Salt.
-their friends die to this frantic horror under the ground. The blades +
-swung from bone arms that moved jittery and spasticallyalmost like a +
-trick of the eye. The half-composed bodies who would take spear-wound +
-after spear-wound and never blink. Eyes unmoving, lids unclosed.+
-When I was a child there was an old woman who would go to the souq two +Alabar's bard cousin Showa is on Pixie IslandThe party's current location is Shipwreck Island and it's been six days (five sessions of B-team) since The Day of the MothSafaq's Haikyah temple (founded by the Brine Hand) have been taken over by an Istishia cult based on abd-Yson IslandCurrent date: 7th of Gammam, 1494.
-times per a tendayWe would all laugh at her funny way of walking, +
-almost as if she was dancing with every step. She would smile at us. +
-My father told me that she had been his teacher in her youth. +
-But this was many years ago now and now I am a grown man.+
-Today I had to kill her thirteen times while she tore the last of my +<del>Current date 11th Gammam — Thirsty Salt, Clever Copper and Haaqut have one level of exhThey are in the Sal'uk Meadhall in Jumlat</del>
-friends apart. Only I remained.+
-Afterwards, two men showed upMining operations officers, sent by the +<del>Current date: Mihla 17Ala-Bar have diedParty is HaaqutThirsty Salt, and Ugly AngelThey are in adb-Yson</del>
-owner of the mine. They said they needed to cut the heads of my +
-people. "Just a formality," said they. "So we can prove that we have +
-killed these creatures," said they"I'm hope you understand". They +
-took stock of the fallenfriends and foes, and loaded them up like +
-crates on a wagon of djinni wind.+
-=== The Tale of the Bravest Animal ===+<del>Mihla 19 they are in Jumlat</del>
-Come gather roundThis bottle contains a magic potion that will make +Mihla 21 was the day of rice reducing shenanigansIt'evening just before the long rest
-you friend to all animals. Only fifty dinars! An elf came to me, they +
-said they wanted to win the animal'test of bravery but had been +
-defeated by the wolvenkind. I sold them a bottle of this very potion +
-and then they returned with a crown branches on their head, with +
-regency over wolf, beast and eagle. Friend to all beasts!+
-I asked them how they had won over the littlest sparrowwho, while +Crate Progress Report: crate 2/3expeditions 3/7. each expedition 5 
-trembling, is steadfast and true.+turns (unless something unusual happen like a spell or similar that 
 +makes it six).
-They told me:+Mihla 25 RIP ISTISHIA
-Embracing Fate, you become embraced. Supple, breathing gently, you +B-team Mihla 26 on the road back from 1000Tencounters used:
-become reborn. Clearing your vision, you become clear. Nurturing your +
-beloved, you become impartial. Opening your heart, you become +
-accepted. Accepting the World, you embrace Fate. Bearing and +
-nurturing, creating but not owning, giving without demanding, +
-controlling without authority, this is love. We have no Fate but the +
-Fate we are given.+
-To this, the sparrow replied "♫poo♫tee♫weet♫".+Mihla 27 and they have crawled down into the Fall of the Snakemen part of the Veins of the Earthin the well next to the haunted house.
-=== The Tale of the Clear Water ===+Mihla 28 dagen gryr på båten
-On a high cliff by the coast four miles from Safaq on a hot day there +mihla 29 dom är på necro island och det är pretty much kvälldom är i M24C2.
-stands a wellThe water is clear there. The water is cool there. The +
-water has blood and venom there.+
-At the bottom of the wellfourteen dirhams glistened, the glints of +Mihla 30dom är hos Xendros
-lights like notes on a pungi flute. Charmed dwellers in the wall of +
-white stone.+
-Now there is no glintNow there is no joy.\\  +qawafil 2, dom är i TotBMdom är i gegg-rummet med orange geggadom har dödat änglarna
-Now there are two workers digging in the ground.\\  +
-Trading calloused hands for coin and books.+
-One is burying their goblin-kintheir anchor in the Land of Fate, +Diary reminder TEAM Bvi gick från TOBM till skeppet och blev förföljda av Silaten
-their hope and their future.\\  +Tillbaka till TOBM den 3e Qawafil och räddade 15 av 19 fångar på våning två ur bloodspumpen samt tog en level 9a i bojor
-The other is burying his pastHis forgotten everything and other +Gick tillbaka till skeppet och åkte till Xendros City med dem och släppte lös de 15 fångarnaHämtade 100 hamparep samt 3000 pitons. 
-halfHe is burying his wish.+4e Qawafil så gick vi till TOBM och hittade en hemlig dörr ifrån våning två till snigelrummet och dödade samt släpade tillbaka en snigels skal till båten, det har gått ca 5 timmar sedan vi gav oss av första gången till TOBM på dagen.
-==== Tariq 9 ==== +6e Qawafil. Dom är i safaq. 2 timmar har gått. dom har supit och shoppat. Efter att ha räddat universum. screw you Jace Beleren.
-The party now is+
-  * Umaji min-Hakiyah +6e Qawafil. Dom har grundat den magiska skolan Steamforge och så är sniglarnas HP och tentakel och skal i snailfight.txt på DMs dator
-  * Talara adb-Jamil +
-  * Na'im al-Qadib +
-  * Djut (absent)+
-=== The Tale of the Brine Hand  ===+26 Qawafil, expedition day three! dugan exh level 3
-Call me the Brine Hand. +27 Qawafil: berit dogma'fa kom undandom har halaa och kara och röda hjorten och duganencountertabellen för necro är nu d8: sju → mafaåtta → sju pirriga banditerdom är alltså uppe i citadellets gård
- +
-I lost my leg at sea and I lost my best friend there. They couldn'+
-even give him a true burialSometimes I even wonder if he is really +
-deadI worship Hakiyahthe sea breeze, the god of truth. I want +
-answers. I've put my weapons in the ground. I serve as imam in the +
-small seaside town of Safaq. It'll do, this little town. It'll do. We +
-have a sailor's graveyard here. Memorial stones, mostly. But sometimes +
-sa'luks... no, sometimes //heroes// come with bones of the sea and we +
-give them an honorable grave. +
- +
-I look out over the waves at night. I listen to the waves crushing +
-sounds. Sometimes they feel peaceful. Other times they feel +
-suffocatingly restless. +
- +
-=== The Tale of the Endless Night === +
- +
-Gufsha; I still think my name is beautiful. I remember my mother +
-braiding my hair and saying my name. They say I'm Gross-Gufsha, +
-Disgusting-Gufsha. But I know who I am. I'm just Gufsha. +
- +
-They don't let me see the sun. My dawn is when the dwarves light their +
-lanterns, shining on the silver lode. My day is the pick, heavy in my +
-hands. My music is the sound of rocks breaking. My company is the whip +
-lashing. My fashion is the manacles and chains. My evening is the +
-dwarves leaving, taking their lantern lights. My night is a bed of +
-stone. +
- +
-There is no true time here. There is only the cycle of work, sleep, +
-eat, work and sleep and eat. I am not here. There is only darkness and +
-stone. As my hope dies, so does my true self and my true name. Gufsha, +
-the child my mother loved... I can't let here into this mine. +
-Gross-Gufsha, Disgusting-Gufsha, Necromancer-Gufsha... that is who +
-holds the pick. That is who is trapped here. +
- +
-=== The Tale of the Goddess' Touch === +
- +
-I am a soldier. An askari. I work for the good of the village of +
-Safaq. On Hakiyah's day I go to the mosque for prayer. My sword and +
-shield belong to the city but my heart belongs to my goddess. +
- +
-Im'ran. I take the name Im'ran min-Hakiyah. +
- +
-My goddess brings light through Umaji, one of the five novices +
-studying under Velmar "the Brine Hand" to become an imam of my +
-goddess. She provides me with what I need. Umaji's voice speaks loud +
-and true. The night tries to crush me with falling rocks. I do not +
-hesitate. +
- +
-The sea breeze of dawn shines through me and the word of my goddess +
-heals me. We have no Fate but the Fate we are given. +
- +
-I do not know of gods and of godly things. My way is the way of sword +
-and shield. My way is a simple way. Sharp and clean and true.+
 +28 Qawafil: dom gick ner igen och slogs mot ooze