Do you go to the dungeon?


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al-qadim:diary [2020-09-19 12:44] – and a spacious baths www-dataal-qadim:diary [2021-08-07 14:39] – Qawafil, expedition day three! dugan exh level www-data
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-Zakhara month names:+I need to face facts that I'm not gonna catch up writing tales any time soon. Maybe I will someday, maybe never, but for now we need to sort things out sonwe can know what the current date is in Zakhara. For the missing sessions, I'll write up a more rough summary that involves some guessing. Then be a little more careful going forward.
-*  Taraq +## Interim Diary
-*  Masta +
-*  Magarib +
-*  Gammam +
-*  Mihla +
-*  Qawafil +
-*  Holy day of Ahad +
-*  Holy day of Atnen +
-*  Holy day of Salas +
-*  Holy day of Arba +
-*  Holy day of Yasad +
-*  Safa +
-*  Dar +
-*  Riyah +
-*  Nau +
-*  Rahat +
-*  Saris+
-Months have 30 days, and the five holy days don'have any months, +There are two timelines. A-team and B-team. If we bring in other teams they will get their own timelines. When two teams cross paths the team that's furthest back in the past will have mandatory downtime (with random "what happened" events) to catch up.
-they just come after 30th of Qawafil and before 1st of Safa.+
-Första taraq börjar året,   +### A-team
-nästa masta kommer näst.   +
-Magarib, gamman har knopp i håret,   +
-Mihla, qawafil blommar mest.   +
-Safa, dar och riyah,   +
-härlig sommar är det då.   +
-Men nau och rahat   +
-och saris är så grå.+
-## #boatmode Session Zero+The A-team is currently just outside the tent camp of the house of 
 +Dhi'b, proooobably better known as "The Sons of the Wolf".
-The party is+Their mission: to bring back Mamun bin Harun bin Hamid.
-*  Jalara abd-Jamila bugbear corsair +And, with the help of the life-changing magic of efreetsthey managed to find himor ratherhe (and Jalara al-Jamil, pirate queen of Durrar), managed to find themshipwrecked on Anklis island.
-*  Djuta goblin corsair +
-*  Keezea goblin sa’luk +
-*  Na’im al-Qadiban air genasi flamewind sorcerer+
-Everyone has a shared goal: to get onboard a ship by capturing the Sea +The current party is Fari, Abu, Aman, and Hidi from the House of Dhi'b, and Jalara.
-Ghost. Unfortunately they don’t really know much about that ship.+
-The two corsairs also want revenge on the pirates on Sunless Island.+On their way back they discovered Azim Island, home of the cult of the Blood Eye, one of the several blood cults that have been sighted since the new elemental plane of blood was found. They carefully left the island.
-Keeze and Na’im have a shared past… that they don’t know about. +They traveled through Ajayib, the City of Wonders, in disguise. An adventurer, Ulysses, who they had met on Anklis Island and accompanied them on Azim Island, parted ways with the party there_(I don't remember what deal you made with him re how to find him again.)_
-They’ve both suffered memory loss. They used to be level 12 characters +
-with some kind of relationship – the nature of that relationship is +
-still a mystery – but one of them used a Wish “I wish we had never +
-met” which reset their lifes and wiped their memoriesBack to +
-level 1. Back to the old fishing village.+
-### Keezes dagbok+Almost at their own home, they ran into an exiled tribe member, Meket, who tried to start a rebellion against the clan leader, Sheikh Anwat "The Skeleton" al-Makkar.
-jag vet att jag har minnesluckor men det är ändå inte så konstigt +They left Mamun to spy on him but when they returnedhe was dead, and the party killed Meket in retaliation. Yes, Mamun, their old mentor, and Aman's teacher, was dead.
-efter alla fester jag varit på och allt man röktdruckit och testat på där+
-ta det lugnt?! haha nej det kommer inte hända. måste ju hänga med +So it's with heads hung low in shameand an exhaustion level eachthe A-team returns to Dhi'b.
-i svängarnaskvallradansa och allt det där... jag är en livsnjutare in i märgen+
-men... det känns som att jag har varit vassare med kniven och snabbare på fötterna +There's been six sessions of A-team since The Day of the MothFour before Jalara returned and two afterIt's been 34 days diegetically since The Day of the MothCurrent date: 16th of Mihla1494(I need to do two domain turns.)
-eller att jag borde vara deten mycket märklig känsla... det känns som deja vu varje gång +
-jag lär mig något nytt!+
-fast jag kommer mycket väl ihåg mitt kall och uppgift här i livet... ja även vi tjuvar har vår heder +kai tagit skada 32 hp loss
-och mästare som ger oss uppgifter ibland+
-jag kommer också ihåg mina drömmar om att en dag grunda en stad för alla tjuvar, tiggare, +dom är uppe & det har gått en dag (dom slog läger en natt på saliam vildmark) och sen gick dom fyra timmar till kristallerna. så det är 16 mihla
-gatubarn, rövare och andra på samhällets botten+
-som en ny Hawa ungefär... jag har varit där en gång, det minns jag, ett fantastiskt ställe!+Dom har sovit  natt på Anklis: 19 mihla
-och givetvis kommer det finnas plats för ett rejält bibliotek för vad vore en fest utan er magikers +Dom har kommit tillbaka till Saliam: 22 mihla.
-fyverkerier och konster?+
-men först måste vi hitta ett lämpligt ställe att grunda en stad på och för att göra det så behöver vi en bra båt+On 24 mihla they killed the Sirens of Blood and Sea.
-## Taraq 1+Det är andra 2 Qawafil och dom rullade en trea på boat checket. Så vi ska rulla monster check. Dom har åkt 119 miles från Gana mot Bandar al-Sa'adat.
-### The Tale of the Dock Worker+Dom var i al-Sa'adat en natt till 3 Qawafil och sen tog dom en 4 dagar lång tripp till Sams Bandar.
-One day at the docks while unleading heavy crates for Andar bin +Dom var i Sams Bandar en natt sen tog dom en sju dagar lång tripp till MoraDet är 11 Qawafil.
-Solmor's trading company, a dockworker overheard three bums that +
-seemed out of their luck"I'll offer them a job", he thought, and +
-said that they could work with him for seven dinars a week. More than +
-enough to cover a modest lifestyle, with food and stay at one of the +
-local inns. "That's not enough for us!" they answered. "Fools", he +
-thought, "who does not know the value of steady money." But he told +
-them "If that's not enough, you might inquire with Mahnaz al-Qudra, +
-she might need sa'luks such as yourself to guard her mine." "Sa'luks! +
-We be not sa'luks!" they snarled. "We want to work as scribes, sorting +
-papers!" "Well," the dockworker replied, "that's probably still going +
-to be about the same pay as here" "Not enough!" they said. "Give us +
-better work!" "What fools have Fate wrought", he thought.+
-### The Tale of the Three Thieves+Det är seeeent på kvällen 13 Qawafil (ska bli 14 Qawafil imorgon) och 
 +dom har inte rullat encounter för natten. Dom ska få varorna 
 +inspekterade av Karatea. Deras hästar heter Lyre och Sanka. 
 +Priset kommer vara 16d6. DM, se IoD sidan 124.
-Hanna bint Rist at "Fiskelinan" tavern had rough night. It was tough +17 qawafil för a-team dom har rullat en multiroll som clearat både natt och följande dag
-sleeping even though she tried to cover her head with a pillow because +
-she was hearing weird noises from her next door neigbor, Gufsha.+
-Early in the morning, a corsair and two sa'luks came to visit her +21 qawafil a-team morning. dom har vandrat 8h.
-little establishment. At first, they seemed helpful. They even helped +
-her find her family heirloom necklace. Nothing valuable, just +
-sentimental, but it meant a lot to herThey asked if she had any +
-suspicions and of course her thoughts led straight to that weirdo, +
-All well and goodBut. While she had left them to guard the tavern, +är 23 qawafildom har besegrat neanderthalsinga innestående xp
-they must have stolen the bottle of mom's lobster wine. Later they +
-came back with Mahnaz, the owner of the silver mine down the coast, +
-and tossed coin around and took her pillowcase and her bedsheet.+
-### The Tale of the Bullied Academic+24 qawafil. dom har besegrat mammut och elks. <del>1025 innestående</del>. dom har använt 
 +fyra movement points. det är dag. klockan är tolv typ. moira är badass
-Gufsha was a scholarShe kept to herself mostlyWhy did everyone +25 qawafildom är uppe på ridgen / kratern. dom har använt tre movement points.
-always suspect her? Why did people always came knocking on her door, +
-haunting her?+
-## Taraq 2–9+26 qawafil.
-### The Tale of the Last Askari+- bruro tvåhörningen har skippat en tämjedag så måste börja om sen 
 +- hidi väntar på mo'iras dag så hon kan förätta vixeln med hans fem nya makor (två tjejer tre killar) 
 +- dom hittade fem till makor i hövdingens rum. dom har inte tagit några av itemsen i det
-Eleven of us askari were sent to the silver mine. The dead walked +### B-team
-there. Familiar faces to these askari. Faces that they hadn't seen in +
-a long time.+
-And the dead were armed  +There's been some near-TPKsCurrent party: Alabar, Haquut, Clever Copper and Thirsty Salt.
-And the dead fought well.   +
-And our lives were harmed.   +
-And our brothers fell.+
-Two of our number fled. They just broke ranks and ran, after seeing +Alabar's bard cousin Showa is on Pixie Island. The party's current location is Shipwreck Island and it's been six days (five sessions of B-team) since The Day of the MothSafaq's Haikyah temple (founded by the Brine Hand) have been taken over by an Istishia cult based on abd-Yson IslandCurrent date: 7th of Gammam1494.
-their friends die to this frantic horror under the ground. The blades +
-swung from bone arms that moved jittery and spastically, almost like a +
-trick of the eyeThe half-composed bodies who would take spear-wound +
-after spear-wound and never blinkEyes unmovinglids unclosed.+
-When I was a child there was an old woman who would go to the souq two +<del>Current date 11th Gammam — Thirsty Salt, Clever Copper and Haaqut have one level of exhThey are in the Sal'uk Meadhall in Jumlat</del>
-times per a tenday. We would all laugh at her funny way of walking, +
-almost as if she was dancing with every stepShe would smile at us. +
-My father told me that she had been his teacher in her youth. +
-But this was many years ago now and now I am a grown man.+
-Today I had to kill her thirteen times while she tore the last of my +<del>Current date: Mihla 17Ala-Bar have diedParty is Haaqut, Thirsty Salt, and Ugly Angel. They are in adb-Yson</del>
-friends apartOnly I remained.+
-Afterwards, two men showed up. Mining operations officers, sent by the +<del>Mihla 19 they are in Jumlat</del>
-owner of the mine. They said they needed to cut the heads of my +
-people. "Just a formality," said they. "So we can prove that we have +
-killed these creatures," said they. "I'm hope you understand". They +
-took stock of the fallen, friends and foes, and loaded them up like +
-crates on a wagon of djinni wind.+
-### The Tale of the Bravest Animal+Mihla 21 was the day of rice reducing shenanigans! It's evening just before the long rest
-Come gather round! This bottle contains a magic potion that will make +Crate Progress Report: crate 2/3expeditions 3/7each expedition 5 
-you friend to all animals. Only fifty dinars! An elf came to methey +turns (unless something unusual happen like spell or similar that 
-said they wanted to win the animal's test of bravery but had been +makes it six).
-defeated by the wolvenkindI sold them a bottle of this very potion +
-and then they returned with crown branches on their head, with +
-regency over wolf, beast and eagleFriend to all beasts!+
-I asked them how they had won over the littlest sparrow, who, while +Mihla 25 RIP ISTISHIA
-trembling, is steadfast and true.+
-They told me:+B-team Mihla 26 on the road back from 1000T. encounters used:
-Embracing Fateyou become embraced. Supple, breathing gently, you +Mihla 27 and they have crawled down into the Fall of the Snakemen part of the Veins of the Earthin the well next to the haunted house.
-become reborn. Clearing your vision, you become clear. Nurturing your +
-beloved, you become impartial. Opening your liver, you become +
-accepted. Accepting the World, you embrace Fate. Bearing and +
-nurturing, creating but not owning, giving without demanding, +
-controlling without authority, this is love. We have no Fate but the +
-Fate we are given.+
-To this, the sparrow replied "♫poo♫tee♫weet♫".+Mihla 28 dagen gryr på båten
-### The Tale of the Clear Water+mihla 29 dom är på necro island och det är pretty much kväll. dom är i M24C2.
-On a high cliff by the coast four miles from Safaq on a hot day there +Mihla 30, dom är hos Xendros
-stands a well. The water is clear there. The water is cool there. The +
-water has blood and venom there.+
-At the bottom of the wellfourteen dirhams glistened, the glints of +qawafil 2dom är i TotBMdom är i gegg-rummet med orange geggadom har dödat änglarna
-lights like notes on a pungi fluteCharmed dwellers in the wall of +
-white stone.+
-Now there is no glintNow there is no joy  +Diary reminder TEAM B, vi gick från TOBM till skeppet och blev förföljda av Silaten. 
-Now there are two workers digging in the ground  +Tillbaka till TOBM den 3e Qawafil och räddade 15 av 19 fångar på våning två ur bloodspumpen samt tog en level 9a i bojor
-Trading calloused hands for coin and books.+Gick tillbaka till skeppet och åkte till Xendros City med dem och släppte lös de 15 fångarna. Hämtade 100 hamparep samt 3000 pitons
 +4e Qawafil så gick vi till TOBM och hittade en hemlig dörr ifrån våning två till snigelrummet och dödade samt släpade tillbaka en snigels skal till båten, det har gått ca 5 timmar sedan vi gav oss av första gången till TOBM på dagen.
-One is burying their goblin-kin, their anchor in the Land of Fate, +6e QawafilDom är i safaq2 timmar har gåttdom har supit och shoppat. Efter att ha räddat universum. screw you Jace Beleren.
-their hope and their future  +
-The other is burying his pastHis forgotten everything and other +
-halfHe is burying his wish.+
-## Taraq 9+6e Qawafil. Dom har grundat den magiska skolan Steamforge och så är sniglarnas HP och tentakel och skal i snailfight.txt på DMs dator
-The party now is +26 Qawafilexpedition day three! dugan exh level 3
- +
-*  Umaji min-Hakiyah +
-*  Talara adb-Jamil +
-*  Na'im al-Qadib +
-*  Djut (absent) +
- +
-### The Tale of the Brine Hand +
- +
-Call me the Brine Hand. +
- +
-I lost my leg at sea and I lost my best friend there. They couldn'+
-even give him a true burial. Sometimes I even wonder if he is really +
-dead. I worship Hakiyahthe sea breeze, the god of truth. I want +
-answers. I've put my weapons in the ground. I serve as imam in the +
-small seaside town of Safaq. It'll do, this little town. It'll do. We +
-have a sailor's graveyard here. Memorial stones, mostly. But sometimes +
-sa'luks... no, sometimes *heroes* come with bones of the sea and we +
-give them an honorable grave. +
- +
-I look out over the waves at night. I listen to the waves' crushing +
-sounds. Sometimes they feel peaceful. Other times they feel +
-suffocatingly restless. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Endless Night +
- +
-Gufsha; I still think my name is beautiful. I remember my mother +
-braiding my hair and saying my name. They say I'm Gross-Gufsha, +
-Disgusting-Gufsha. But I know who I am. I'm just Gufsha. +
- +
-They don't let me see the sun. My dawn is when the dwarves light their +
-lanterns, shining on the silver lode. My day is the pick, heavy in my +
-hands. My music is the sound of rocks breaking. My company is the whip +
-lashing. My fashion is the manacles and chains. My evening is the +
-dwarves leaving, taking their lantern lights. My night is a bed of +
-stone. +
- +
-There is no true time here. There is only the cycle of work, sleep, +
-eat, work and sleep and eat. I am not here. There is only darkness and +
-stone. As my hope dies, so does my true self and my true name. Gufsha, +
-the child my mother loved... I can't let her into this mine. +
-Gross-Gufsha, Disgusting-Gufsha, Necromancer-Gufsha... that is who +
-holds the pick. That is who is trapped here. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Goddess' Touch +
- +
-I am a soldier. An askari. I work for the good of the village of +
-Safaq. On Hakiyah's day I go to the mosque for prayer. My sword and +
-shield belong to the city but my liver belongs to my goddess. +
- +
-Im'ran. I take the name Im'ran min-Hakiyah. +
- +
-My goddess brings light through Umaji, one of the five novices +
-studying under Velmar "the Brine Hand" to become an imam of my +
-goddess. She provides me with what I need. Umaji's voice speaks loud +
-and true. The night tries to crush me with falling rocks. I do not +
-hesitate. +
- +
-The sea breeze of dawn shines through me and the word of my goddess +
-heals me. We have no Fate but the Fate we are given. +
- +
-I do not know of gods and of godly things. My way is the way of sword +
-and shield. My way is a simple way. Sharp and clean and true. +
- +
-## Taraq 9–10 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Mad Cavern +
- +
-The darkness was beautiful there. Shadows pooled like water. The +
-cavern wasn't formed naturally. Someone had dug it but without rhyme +
-or reason. My master's friend Djut tossed a couple of torches into the +
-distance and around the flickering point of light faraway, the harsh +
-crisp marks in the stone left shadows like soft caresses and feather +
-downs. It was an awe-inspiring sight. Tufa, our genasi's parrot, flew +
-hundreds of feet but couldn't reach a ceiling in this massive cavern. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Forgetful Dwarf +
- +
-I usually move so silently in the night, and so tenderly I plunder the +
-bags, with my expertise in dex checks. But for the first time in +
-years, the mark woke up. At first I thought I was just unlucky, that +
-he had woken by coincidence, rather than me making a mistake. But when +
-I saw him I realized at once what I was dealing with. The geniekind +
-have many frightful talents. Now I have learned that they may sleep +
-without sleeping, and hear without hearing. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Recent Dead +
- +
-There is a house up the coast, East of Safaq, and west of Mahnaz' +
-Mine. A man went there. A faris, in armor, with shield and sword. +
- +
-The dwellers in the dark slew him, and when his body was cold, dozens +
-of eggs were laid in there and dozens of maggots made their home +
-there. +
- +
-A man with the blood of djinn disturbed their abode with a hand of +
-wind. The maggots poured forth like milk through cloth. +
- +
-Into a goblin, pure of liver, they started drilling.   +
-The many maggots stung like thorns in briar.   +
-The flamewind mage lit up the skin with fire,   +
-and in their dying breath they took to killing. +
- +
-## Taraq 10 +
- +
-The party now is: +
- +
-*  Jalara abd-Jamil +
-*  Na’im al-Qadib +
-*  Umaji min-Hakiyah +
-*  Lamsa abd-Husam +
- +
-### The Tale of the Goat Herders +
- +
-What a strange follower we found, who wanted to deliver a rat to a +
-novice of the temple of Hakiyah, but carrying an urn of ashes as if it +
-were an atlas of the cosmos. What is there to learn from the dust of +
-the dead? What is there to glean from their smoke and markings? +
- +
-No, I learned all I need to know right here under the starry sky. +
-There are many djinni and efreeti in the Land of Fate but the concern +
-of me, my brothers and my sister is for this flock of goats to be safe +
-and grow strong. +
- +
-In stillness I take rest underneath the cypress shade while my goats +
-graze the commons. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Barred Door +
- +
-In that big house there is a cellar carved into the sharp cliffs by +
-the sea. That cellar is but a tiny gash into Toril's rocks but enough +
-to shield it from Selan's light. +
- +
-In that cellar by the crackling fire we eat our dinner at the long +
-table, break our bread together. This is our home. +
- +
-Our beds are here. Our fellowship is here, our livelihood. +
- +
-It's just that... that pounding on the barred door keeps waking me up +
-in the middle of the night. In my nightmares I see those... can I even +
-call it "faces"? What we locked in there... I see them smile at me, +
-kindly at first but it turns cruel and gnashing. Their hollow gaze +
-pierce my soul. +
- +
-I wake from my nightmares when I hear them pounding on that door. I +
-hear the creaking of the metal bar. O, Najm, let it hold. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Hidden Vial +
- +
-Potions of healing, greater potions of healing, even supreme potions +
-of healing… small bottles all. But I have through my decades-long +
-alchemical research created a wondrous substance. The strength of +
-ordinary potion of healing, that's true... but concentrated such that +
-two doses fit in a single tiny vial. Two doses! One-fiftieth the size of one +
-normal potion of healing. +
- +
-I dare not leave this substance on my person. What if I roll over in +
-my sleep and break it? +
- +
-I have constructed a hidden compartment in my desk drawer, under the +
-old receipts and miscellanea I store there. The vial wrapped in cloth +
-is hidden there, and the drawer is locked. +
- +
-## Taraq 11 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Mud Mephit +
- +
-Steal a goat! Tarnish Hakiyah's temple!   +
-Throw dirt, throw mud!   +
-Sink a boat! Let all ships dissemble!    +
-Flow dirt, like blood!   +
- +
-We've got conch to make our kind appear   +
-Make a door under the sea   +
-Through that door the Land of Fate is near   +
-In that land we can roam free! +
- +
-### The Tale of the Orcish Millers +
- +
-O child of my liver, the Loregiver tells of a couple of orcish millers +
-who lived in the cliff city of Warth al-Keel. Everyday they would bake +
-their bread and eat it and sell it. This was before the enlightened +
-time and everyone in this village worshipped the kraken Valaastroth. +
-The kraken would visit the town once every ten years, giving orders +
-and taking treasure as tribute. +
- +
-In the age of the Loregiver, a priest of Hakiyah, named Trandence +
-al-Ek, visited Warth al-Keel. He ate of the bread. He showed the true +
-wind and strong wave of Hakiyah. +
- +
-The people built a strong mosque to Hakiyah. But when Valaastroth +
-returned years later, they were furious at the people of Warth +
-al-Keel. Vaalastroth broke the cliff and sent the town into the water. +
- +
-### The Tale of the False Priest +
- +
-Istishia, the cold god of water, opposed the enlightenment of the +
-Loregiver. Istishia only wants the world to drown. But al-Ek loved +
-Istishia in his liver. +
- +
-al-Ek knew that Hakiyah's light, life and truth would turn the livers +
-and minds of the citizens of Warth al-Keel in a way that the cold +
-waves of Istishia never could. Only by posing as a priest of Hakiyah +
-could he gain a foothold there, build a temple there. But al-Ek loved +
-Istishia in his liver. +
- +
-al-Ek knew that if the citizens of Warth al-Keel had turned to +
-Hakiyah, away from the kraken Vaalastroth, the kraken would break the +
-city. The city would fall from its sunlit cliff into the cold water. +
-Into the waves of Istishia. The people in the city would drown. al-Ek +
-too would drown. Every man, woman and child in Warth al-Keel would +
-drown. But al-Ek loved Istishia in his liver. +
- +
-## Taraq 11, evening +
- +
-### The Tale of the Broken Portal +
- +
-They broke the portal   +
-and I came out wrong   +
-I was half cut off,   +
-half buckled,   +
-and half whole. +
- +
-My sister came after me   +
-the portal was grey dry glass   +
-it was a thousand fractures. +
- +
-Mephits shone through a cracked lens   +
-refracted and multifaceted   +
-unique and wonderful. +
- +
-But when the conch is gone   +
-the portal is no more   +
-and we can’t go through. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Kraken’s Ball +
- +
-Let’s dance for the kraken!   +
-Let the night begin!   +
-As the world is dying   +
-we’ll be among kin. +
- +
-Vaalastroth is coming.   +
-Leaving his true mark.   +
-While he starts to eat the world,   +
-we’re dancing in the dark. +
- +
-In his chandelier there are   +
-a thousand brilliant lights.   +
-Stars that light the ballroom’s floor   +
-under endless nights. +
- +
-Warth al-Keel will serve him   +
-to honor his soft form.   +
-He whips his arms like lightning   +
-in a sudden storm. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Honest Novice +
- +
-Lankus, let me tell you about these no-good sa’luks and their +
-“missions” to my mine… +
- +
-Mission one, they tell me they’ll find the source of the undead that +
-attacked us there. Good job, just repeating the rumor-whispering of +
-your collegue over the other tavern, Hannah. That was the most +
-expensive message delivery service I’d ever paid for. +
- +
-Misssion two, they tell me they’ll stop the zombies and skeletons. +
-They show up when it’s all over, grab the bodies and come here to +
-claim the rewards. Glad I got out of that one, or that would’ve been +
-the most expensive body transport service I’d ever paid for. +
- +
-Mission three, they tell me they’ll find where that monster in my mine +
-came from and how come it was dead and who broke through to the mine +
-from the other side. I was just about to pay them for that too. But +
-thanks to that new guy in their group, the honest novice and his +
-sister, I dodged that arrow. That would’ve been the most expensive +
-efreet story telling hour I’d ever paid for. +
- +
-## Taraq 12 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Pumpkin Head +
- +
-Just an ordinary pumpkin head on a moonless night. There is +
-candlelight flickering inside it. Teeth are square, eyes with brows +
-corrugated and cruel. You could tell that when you get bit the marks +
-are going to be square holes. +
- +
-The sound comes from outside of the house. Or so it seems. It's not in +
-here with us. +
- +
-The flesh is stringy and wet, stuck between yellow teeth. A darkness +
-pierced by warmth and a happy smile greets you. With joy someone +
-carved me and presented me. A celebration. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Sand Rat +
- +
-You don't understand what Ökensand had been looking for, or the price +
-they would've been willing to pay for it if they had found it. They're +
-beaten up, messed up, mistreated and scared and the journey was longer +
-than it had any rights to. +
- +
-Beyond years; longer than what's tracked on the calendar or map. Paws +
-callused by grit. Small black pearl eyes darting with caution. +
- +
-Not only is the rat finally home now after a long quest. They carry a +
-liverful of despair and resignation. Having learned the hard lessons +
-of life. You have to walk that desert all alone. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Magic Wand +
- +
-There are many more colors than the sun can burn away from our vision. +
-Covered over by the shallow colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, +
-indigo, violet are the eight true colors of the weave. Fuligin, grue, +
-hooloovoo, octarine, smaudre, gloxym, jale and ulfire. +
- +
-To see them is to see the world as it really is. +
- +
-How easily the world breaks, fractures like a velvet egg. It shines as +
-it breaks in a dry and dusty neon. Dances over our faces like wild +
-water caustics. Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she'+
-gone. +
- +
-### Na Ims dagbok +
- +
-Kära dagbok.   +
-Idag har vi haft en mycket intressant dag.   +
-Allt började redan under morgonkaffet. Jag kunde se hur värdshusvärdinan nästan fick en leverattack av att se Jalara i dörröppningen. Det visade sig att Jalara hade fått tag i en stor magisk pumpa, så även grönsaker kan vara magiska.   +
-Kanske det är bättre att skaffa en egen bostad i byn, verkar ju som +
-mina vänner bara ställer till problem för lokalbefolkningen. +
- +
-Vi besökte det "hemsökta" herrgården utanför byn för att hämta upp de kvarvarande kropparna så att de kan få en riktig begravning, men det verkar vara någon eller något som transporterat bort kropparna.   +
-Efter lite undersökning av huset så hittade vi tecken på att det +
-verkar vara "bootleggers" i farten. Dels är det brandyfaten i +
-källaren, men även att de har kommunikation med ett skepp ute på +
-havet. Kanske ska jag ta med faten till Hanna så att hon kanske blir +
-lite lugnare. Hon verkar ju gilla lite av de starka dryckerna. +
- +
-Jalara verkar fortfarande inte förstå att elementarmagi är verklig. +
-Detta även fast hon fick prova på att själv använda en Detect Magic +
-från en wand. När inte ens detta hjälper så vet jag inte vad jag ska +
-göra för att få henne att vilja överge sin antitro. Kanske Umaji kan +
-göra något för henne. +
- +
-Vi verkar ha en spion i gruppen, den där ökenråttan är en farlig +
-motståndare. Verkar bara vara jag som förstår problemet med en ond +
-elementar magiker i gruppen.   +
-Måste vara någon konstig magi som ökenråtta tagit över Umaji med, +
-kanske ska jag fråga Salta Handen när vi kommer tillbaka till staden. +
-Parasiter brukar ju kunna döda sin värd om man inte är försiktig med +
-separationen. +
- +
-Sist men inte minst så råkade Tufa nästan ut för ett otäckt öde. Men +
-jag han i sista sekund rädda henne från att uppleva döden. Prata om +
-problem med ohyra i denna herrgård. +
- +
-## Taraq 13 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Modest Home +
- +
-Clean face before the morning prayer.   +
-Breakfast of bread, curd cheese, olives and dates.   +
-The coffee is dark and bitter.   +
-The evening meal is the largest of the day.   +
-Scooped up with flat bread.   +
-An evening of telling tales. +
- +
-My son was chosen by the gods.   +
-My daughter signed herself away to the courts of air. +
- +
-A scent of the sea on the breeze through the window.   +
-The day is done. I lay off my burden. Each day a new day. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Committed Researcher +
- +
-It's not that I don't want to work on this whole gold thing. I do. I +
-want to find the truth. +
- +
-I've selected solitude so I can study. So I can read and try to find +
-the secret of making gold. To create the philosopher's stone. +
- +
-If I just… Maybe tonight I'll find the answer. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Silver Sinker +
- +
-PfffshtWhaddaya talking about, Ibrahim! No _way_ 200 dinars is "too +
-much money for a fishing rod, even if it's pure silver". Take a look +
-at this thing, it is absolutely *baller*! +
- +
-So, wanna go fishing this weekend? We can go on your boat and we can +
-take this fantastic silver beaut for a spin! +
- +
-## Taraq 14–20 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Small but Scrappy Istishia Cult +
- +
-We have swords and we will attack Safaq. Any questions? We will +
-destroy everyone who lives there. Kill the town guard, the citizens. +
-Just the eight of us will do that. On our own. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Comforted Poor +
- +
-They say there is a house in Safaq where you can go when you're at the +
-end of your rope. When you have nothing and you want comfort, you want +
-shelter. You can find blessing there and they will take care of your +
-soul for you. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Harbor Riots +
- +
-A fish drying facility was burned to the ground in the riots over +
-arrests of alleged "smugglers" last week. The protesters demanded the +
-release of the suspects held by Eli and his town guard. +
- +
-## Taraq 20, continued +
- +
-### The Tale of the Six Faris +
- +
-Knocked out by poison gas! But two awoke after just one hour. The others woke up later. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Six Guards +
- +
-To work as a guard in the House for the Poor's Comfort in Safaq you +
-need to be motivated because there is not a lot of money. But you will +
-be provided for. Food, shelter and faith. Now hiring, because the +
-other six guys died. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Thunderous Acolyte +
- +
-All it takes to get burninated by the party is one little +
-Thaumaturgy.♥ Luckily you can flee at the last second! Famshuna ftw! +
- +
-## Taraq 20–26 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Shattered God +
- +
-O, liver of mine, Q'xetl was a young god.   +
-He wanted souls.   +
-He wanted to harvest them, to eat them, to grow strange and strong.   +
-To await his maw they pulled my limp body.   +
-Into the howling portal they threw me.   +
-With the many I became one.   +
-When he fractured I remain—   +
-split in shards. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Fish Thieves +
- +
-We are kin of goblin, they say.   +
-We were born in Safaq, they say.   +
-We steal fish, they say.   +
-We attack on sight, they say.   +
-We shoot before asking questions, they say.   +
-We have treasure, they say.   +
-But what they cannot say   +
-is that we survived the party. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Reckless Attuner +
- +
-The Honorable, the Chief Qadi and the Associate Magistrates of the +
-Court of Safaq al-Hadhar min Jumlat. Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons +
-having business before the Honorable, the Qadi of the Sultan, +
-representing the Grand Caliph and ultimately the Law of the Loregiver, +
-are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is +
-now sitting. We have no fate but the fate we are given. +
- +
-It is a crime against the enlightened to willingly smash people in the +
-head with lethal intent. +
- +
-But witness testimony seem to indicate that the accused, whom +
-herebefore is present, was under the influence of the arcane: a weapon +
-crafted with intent to stir rage; a berserker rage to protect its +
-owner and keeper. Whether or not this is the unnameable Sloessa is a +
-question beside the court's present ruling. +
- +
-Even so. +
- +
-It is a crime against the Law of the Loregiver to recklessly handle, +
-attune, or possess cursed items to the extent that they kill, injure, +
-endanger or encroach on the safety of enlightened beings. +
- +
-That is a fine of 100 dinars for the first offense. Repeat offenders +
-will risk exile. +
- +
-## Taraq 27 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Generous Patron +
- +
-Welcome, one and all, to my abode. My name is Andar bin Petra and this +
-is my buttler Skerrin. Thank you for returning my fish. You may keep +
-the gold as a reward. No, no, *I* should be thanking *you*, for without your help I would have no fish, no gold, no camels and no cart. +
- +
-Rich? I don't know about that. Yeah, a lot of the fishing boats here +
-are mine, and the fishers are in my employ, but I inherited a lot of +
-that from my mother, Petra, and the same goes for this abode. +
- +
-I've expanded the trading program a little bit, that's true. Just doing my best to keep the family name proud! +
- +
-### The Tale of the Plague Dealer +
- +
-The Aalim family got sick from bad grains at the green souk. Umaji +
-min-Hakiyah managed to contain the plague. A pickpocket reported some +
-unusual garments in the merchant's bag. Khamu was his name, I think. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Arcane Alcohol +
- +
-Under [[the Empty Net]] there is a strange smell. It is arcane and it +
-causes strange behavior. +
- +
-## Taraq 28 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Protective Wind +
- +
-Accessing the elements directly is the power of elemental mages. To +
-blow away gasses and fires is something they can do easily and then +
-normal people can just duck under and avoid getting burninated. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Hose Scrape +
- +
-Na'im, unfortunately, got sampled pretty thoroughly by some wondrous +
-apparatus that tried to examine his constituents and he died. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Unbegotten Spoils +
- +
-* Crystal +
-* Spellbook +
-* Red-tipped wand (7/7 pyro) +
-* Bok (Hemligheter med de vises sten med ett pergament) +
-* Bok (Örter) +
-* Crowbar +
-* Bedroll +
-* Thieves' tools +
-* 10 rations +
-* Key mine +
-* 12 x light comp +
-* Litet skrin med 11 candles och pergament +
-* Vinflaska +
-* Bläckpenna +
-* Magiskt bläck 50G +
-* Pure white clothes +
-* Oil +
-* Waterskin +
-* 1000 ball bearings medium pouch +
-* Bottle of ink +
-* Mess kit +
-* Small knife +
-* Carved marble elephant +
-* Hooded lantern med cover +
-* Owlbear (nallebjörn) +
-* Silvermetspö +
-* 2x5 stone barrels of brandy +
-* 4 sacks +
-* 5 medium pouches fulla med light components — 5x5x6 Light components +
-* vattenskin +
-* Spade +
-* Hammare +
-* Abacus +
-* Healers kit +
-* 6 munkkåpor (Istishia edition) +
-* bok med namn på folk som varit i templet +
-* 3 × pergament +
-* papper +
-* Kulspetspenna från "Bank of Toronto" i plast +
-* iskall dagger (cold iron) +
-* 8 munkkåpor kolvita (Q'xetl edition) +
-* half plate +
-* Alkemist-böcker och papper +
-* 2×Flaskor 16-7 +
-* 79 Dinarer, 97 Dirham, 18 kopparstyvrar, 29 Bonedisk, 1 Thay-guldmynt +
-* 13 Light components +
-* Mystery key +
-* Silver Bell +
-* Azur +
-* Moss agat +
-* Eld Opal värd 1000g +
-* Perl worth 100g +
- +
-It was truly a time of riches and wonder, o child of my liver! But we +
-have no fate but the fate we are given. +
- +
-## Taraq 28–29 +
- +
-### Tale of a Fallen Hero +
- +
-When a hero falls, the gods cry and the monsters cheer.   +
-But when a wizzard falls the rest in the party directly ravage through his belongings.   +
-I, Suha, witness this first hand today.   +
-The wizzard's body was not even cold and already the cleric in the party was spilling his belongings on the floor, and this is a believer in the truth accordingly to his faith.   +
-Maybe they had a bet on what the testament said or if the wizzard had more then they thought. +
- +
-A bloody sight he was, tubes and wires leaking out of his mouth and a scary sight in his eye.   +
-At least I was there in Selan´s service to help clean him up before his maker he would face. +
- +
-If he ever gets to walk the earth again only a higher power knows.   +
-May Selan take mercy on his soul. +
- +
-### The Tomb and the Unwise +
- +
-A great secret the wizzard had. Power over both the fire and the air for him to inferno make.   +
-Fire to light the room and fire to burn, could this be the answer to a ceiling break.   +
-But to escape this hot cage all the fire would do no good. Air on the other hand removes fire where it streams, or punches a hole in a wall it seems.   +
-After all this I no wiser was. Maybe my master can finally teach me how to crystal clean, so I might someday a master make. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Treasure Hider +
- +
-My name is Aulin, I'm a level six rogue, treasure-hider for hire, five dinars a week. +
-My most precious possession: Sloessa! +
- +
-## Taraq 30—Masta 1 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Fleeing Duo +
- +
-Thirsty Salt is my name and the Clever Copper is my friend. We had to +
-leave Sunless Island in a hurry and we were lucky to be picked up by +
-the party and escorted to Safaq. +
- +
-We had visited the Sunless Island with four sa'luks. A corsair Talgen +
-al-Hukra, and his sister, a Wind/Water mage named Sharwin al-Hukra. +
-Another corsair just calling themselves al-Karakas. And an outland +
-warrior, "Sir Bradford", who carried the legendary magic sword +
-Shatterspike. He did not speak midani, the language of the Loregiver. +
- +
-But there were debbi on the island. Wild dog people! Not enlightened +
-beings. Me and Clever Copper just had to run away quickly and left the +
-adventurers to their fate. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Sleepless Night +
- +
-Clean face before the morning prayer.   +
-_wash of the streaks, wash off the worry_   +
-Breakfast of bread, curd cheese, olives and dates.   +
-_set the table, stare at the food, try to eat some_   +
-The coffee is dark and bitter.   +
-_salt from tears_   +
-The evening meal is the largest of the day.   +
-_it sickens me_   +
-Scooped up with flat bread.   +
-_my hands do not obey me, they fall limply by my sides_   +
-An evening of telling tales.   +
-_i cannot hear them. my thoughts are with my daughter_ +
- +
-My son was chosen by the gods.   +
-_hakiyah, you failed me. i blame you_   +
-My daughter signed herself away to the courts of air.   +
-_husam, scum among the djinns. your power came with death_ +
- +
-A scent of the sea on the breeze through the window.   +
-_a lament of cold water breaks my spine_   +
-The day is done. I lay off my burden. Each day a new day.   +
-_this too shall pass_ +
- +
-### The Tale of the Flame/Wind School +
- +
-The ten schools are secretive but the clothes from Flame/Wind in their +
-blue and red are distinct. You do not meddle with their affairs. +
-Sanbalet was not a well-known student. But even so; to rank among the +
-very few who manage to graduate Flame/Wind as level 3 elementalists is +
-not an easy task. It is doubly impressive to so as Sanbalet did: as a +
-multiclass build. When you spend only half your levels on matters +
-arcane, you need to work hard. As Sanbalet did. +
- +
-## Masta 1—Masta 7 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Petulant Crew +
- +
-I am Bemir. Soldier for Hakiyah and her truth. Not a galley slave put +
-to rowing and heisting ropes. The air genasi refuses to work. The +
-priest puts us to work on his fruitless expeditions. Travel exhausts +
-me. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Dark Stairs +
- +
-Durrar Island is a name you don't often here these days. It's more +
-often referred to as the Sunless Island. They say that debbi have been +
-sighted there. And rats. They say that the pin fruits grow there twice +
-every year. +
- +
-On that island there are stairs that descend into the darkness. Eleven +
-steps to the first landing. The first landing is five by ten. Fifteen +
-steps to the second landing. Those fifteen steps had blood spatter. +
-The second landing is ten by fifteen. The stairway continue down from +
-the second landing. +
- +
-It's a five-foot-wide staircase. Steppes carved out of the Durrur rock +
-itself. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Packed Bag +
- +
-Call me the Brine Hand. +
- +
-Umaji min-Hakiyah was my acolyte, then my novice, then my priest, and +
-I had looked to him to be my successor. But the village is in pain +
-under his leadership. He was my pupil, my charge. His failings are my +
-failings. +
- +
-A mosque cannot survive with two heads.   +
-A flower cannot blossom when it is drowning in water.   +
-Too much attention is as bad as too little attention. +
- +
-I put my weapons in the ground here. I made Safaq my home. I have +
-tried to steward it. Being focused on its present, I have failed its +
-future. +
- +
-I will search for another village to show the truth of Hakiyah. But I +
-will settle for just a bed for me and my weary leg. +
- +
-## Masta 7 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Looted Storehouse +
- +
-Door locke picked by thieves' tools. [[mafera-s-forge|Mafera]] refused +
-to say what she saw. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Hill Kahin +
- +
-There is a new Kahin in the party! Sa'ma +
- +
-Also eight faris.   +
-A'ina, Be'ina, Se'ina, Dinah, Ereena, Felina, Ginna and Heina. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Sea Ghost +
- +
-There it lay, out on the black waters of a moonless night. The Sea +
-Ghost. The legendary smuggling vessel.   +
-Lantern-lit on a windy night. +
- +
-## Masta 7–8 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Leaves' Comfort +
- +
-The Sea Ghost, in those times, had a deck wizard named Punketah, of +
-the wind/sea school. The school is in the old city of Huzuz. +
- +
-Punketah was sitting together with me, and with a group of men, in a +
-place of Ajiya when the wind made her stop, and stand up. She saw that +
-I was weary of the sea, sick of the endless waves, so she offered me +
-some leaves of the catastrophe tree to chew. +
- +
-To go to where rivers flow, overlaid with sand and covered with a kind +
-of paradise where there is no water and where nothing can be said +
-between the paths of the sacred sand. +
- +
-Only the sun with its fierce rays and the moon with its waning days +
-and nights, and nights and days, and the two of them are my +
-companions. +
- +
-We are here together in a place of dry, soft sand, in a kind of +
-paradise where there is no water and where Punketah sleeps with her +
-head in my lap, and with her hands in her pockets, tightly grasping +
-the remaining leaves, and where the water is only marked as the +
-kingdom of the Crowded Sea and of the three-eyed god. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Three Lizalfos +
- +
-Each of the three lizalfos has a distinct personality and keeps his +
-own secrets from his family and friends. The three lizalfos are always +
-in the dark about the location of the pseudodragon so that they can +
-not be seen by travelers. +
- +
-Jira abu-Fevis is the only one of the three lizalfos to have a secret +
-lizard-home, which he keeps under the roof of his house. +
- +
-The three lizalfos sealed their lips with their tongue and the +
-smugglers are unfaithful to their sworn oaths and are unsure of how to +
-proceed. The three lizalfos are desperate and are dismayed to find +
-that their oaths are broken. +
- +
-On their own, the three lizalfos are incapable of magic, but they +
-are constantly reminded of their magical bond and the weapons they +
-have promised to carry. +
- +
-The three lizalfos and one pseudodragon are not to be underestimated, +
-and no mortal can hope to outrun them. The other beings in the +
-wilderness are so small and insecure that few cares to be near the +
-local tribes, and are in no position to sit on their lot and risk the +
-wrath of their distant cousins. +
- +
-The tribes are as numerous as the human tribes in the wilds and are +
-spread out over the land as far as the eye can see. The tribes are led +
-by kings and emirs and by clans of mercenaries and pirates. They are +
-not as organized as the human tribes but are more flexible and +
-resilient, complete in their customs and more organized for their +
-kind. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Safaq Council +
- +
-The Safaq city council is founded on the purest of principles and none +
-can point to anyone else to whom they owe their loyalty. No council +
-can be trusted to predict events, as the council will only use the +
-information they gain from the city watch and the barbershop gossip, +
-and they will only trust themselves with their secrets. +
- +
-The council does not lie. +
- +
-Any council member who does is held to account by the sultan of the +
-governing city, and the council is made up of the most respected of +
-the members. +
- +
-The Safaq city council has unanimously voted to ban noxious alchemy, +
-to which the sultan of Jumlat, who has the power to do this, has +
-agreed. +
- +
-The group is led by Soldiers of the Enlightened Throne. The plan is to +
-retain the custom on the Isle of the Blessed, and to have the council +
-members elected by the people of the city. +
- +
-The council members are chosen by the people of the city, but only the +
-council is allowed to rule, and the sultans are appointed by the Grand +
-Caliph himself, who can remove them at will. +
- +
-The council is divided into three seats and each seat serves a +
-different function so that the village is divided into three parts: +
-the harbor, the souks, and the temple. +
- +
-## Masta 9 +
- +
-### The Tale of the Poor Angel +
- +
-Poor Angel, I give you a gift.   +
-I gave you a gift,   +
-and I gave you a gift, and I gave you a gift,   +
-and a gift, and a gift, and a gift, and a gift. +
- +
-Poor Angel.   +
-To whom Fate has not granted a single good.   +
-I have heard, O fortunate sultan,   +
-that she was born during the winter monsoon. +
- +
-Befuddled by the loss of her beloved.   +
-Sons of the musical instruments,   +
-And utter strangers in her own land. +
- +
-In her anguish she recited: +
- +
-When I feel my beloved, be glad;   +
-for he will be the cause of my heart's desire. +
- +
-All the while I keep silent,   +
-as I do not know what is happening. +
- +
-When I see him, I weep;   +
-in my longing I say: "My darling, do not be dismayed; I am unwell." +
- +
-When she had written this, the sultan of Jumlat summoned her, kissed +
-her hands and said: "What is this?" +
- +
-"I am unwell," replied the sailor, "and I shall take leave for a life +
-on the waves." +
- +
-Poor Angel. You have been so silly to be so hard to keep from weeping +
-when you are in your death, and in your death you will be more than a +
-burden on your enemies. +
- +
-You are so naughty, so mean and so treacherous. +
-Your sin has reached the point of being the cause of all. +
- +
-You will tire your enemies of all your good, and when you +
-have done this, they will say to you: "Where is your love and your +
-grace?" and you will reply: "Death to you, old fool!" +
- +
-Such is the power of passion that even when it is gone it +
-will not return. This has gone on long enough. +
- +
-Hail, you who have given us your life! You who +
-have walked on the same path as those who hunger for it! Here +
-are you one of those who is sad and despairs? How can you say +
-to those who have turned away from the path of truth and +
-have wandered in the darkness of its shadow? +
- +
-If we are to be saved the way Fate and the Gods has saved us, we have +
-to sing praises. +
- +
-"Go serve on the waves", the sultan said. "The council of Safaq will +
-find a ship for you, and I believe them to be trusted, but you report +
-to me and to your rubban." +
- +
-### The Tale of the Palace Garden +
- +
-"I have heard," said Abd al-Rahman, "that the marble statue of the +
-Serpent Lord was brought up to the palace of the Pilgrim Dogs. I have +
-not seen, however, any work on the part of any one of these great +
-beings to make any of the statues." +
- +
-Durrar Island, where al-Ashar and its shadow, al-Cryx reside, is a +
-small and unassuming fortification. The walls and doorways are +
-decorated with exquisite tapestries and gold leafs. The interior is +
-lavish, with a huge dining room filled with banquettes, exotic fruits, +
-and a spacious baths. +
- +
-Durrar's most notable feature is the indoor garden housed in the +
-palace of the Great and Glorious al-Ashar. Sun bathes the garden +
-through the stained-glass citadel windows in a multifaceted, geometric +
-tiling of all colors. The centerpiece of the garden is the arboretum +
-and its strong and everlasting tree. +
- +
-### The Tale of the Angered Queen +
- +
-Yusdrayl, queen of the debbi, smiled and said: "You have been +
-beautiful in the way you have carried yourself, but as I have told you +
-before, there is something that is bothering me." She continued: "we +
-have been very kind to you, Meepo, but I don’t know how you can be +
-sure that we are not mad." +
- +
-When the old queen said this, Meepo was afraid of her and said: "It +
-was none other than the al-Hadhar, goblins and such, and I have +
-already told you everything that I know." +
- +
-When the old queen heard him say this, her anger turned to hatred and +
-she said: "I have heard the other debbi say that the serpent's keeper +
-is a coward, and I have to ask you, Meepo, to tell me that you are not +
-cowardly." +
- +
-The much-scarred debbi replied: "Yes, I am not cowardly, but it was +
-under my watch that our serpent, al-Cryx, was stolen."+